Techniques and options of dental braces
Changes in the position of the teeth are achieved by applying continuous pressure, which over time will move teeth into their proper positions.
The advantage of today’s modern techniques is that teeth straightening can be achieved with shorter treatment time, less discomfort and without one’s appearance being affected during the treatment.
Exactly what type of dental braces are used for each individual case depends on the extent of the adjustments that are needed in combination with the patient’s own desires.
1. Fixed braces
Fixed braces are the traditional way to straighten teeth and yet the most effective, in cases where the patient requires a more extensive teeth straightening.
Fixed braces are also referred as train track braces, which are brackets that are glued to each tooth and linked with wires. Approximately you will be seen every 6-8 weeks to have your brace tightened and adjusted. In this way, your teeth will move gradually millimetre by millimetre.
The difference between today’s fixed braces or brackets as they are also called, is that you can add colours to the metal brackets and wire threads. This gives dental braces a much more discreet look than the traditional train track braces.
2. Removable dental braces.
Removable dental braces were used to a greater extent in the past and primarily on younger patients or patients with functional problems. However, removable braces are unusual within cosmetic dentistry.
3. Invisible braces
There are basically two types of invisible braces:
Lingual braces (also known as invisible braces)
An invisible so-called lingual brace is basically the same treatment as with fixed braces, but the difference is that the brackets are glued inside the teeth. This allows the dental braces to be invisible.
Some dentist suggest that this method limits the results that can be achieved in comparison with teeth straightening with fixed dental braces, while the supporters of the technique suggest that there is no difference other than the price. The price difference is up to £2000 per jaw.
Invisalign braces
An invisalign dental brace is an invisible brace consisting of series of custom made removable aligners and should be worn for 22 hours per day. The aligners are easily removable and should only be taken out before eating, brushing and flossing.
Invisalign aligners are exchanged for a new set every two weeks as the position of the teeth changes.
Invisalign braces are not suitable for all orthodontic treatments and can therefore, despite such claims, not replace the need for conventional orthodontic treatment. However, in many cases it can be a simple, convenient and discreet, but costly treatment option.