All about breast lift surgery (breast uplift)
A breast lift (breast uplift) is a plastic surgery procedure performed in order to minimize sagging breasts and provide a firmer and more aesthetically pleasing bust.
On this page those of you contemplating undergoing breast lift surgery can learn more about the procedure and the possibilities and limitations the surgery involves.
The information about breast uplift surgery (mastopexy) is divided into a series of articles that provide you with good understanding of what you can expect from a breast lift. The content is reviewed by Dr. Peter Zachrisson, a specialist plastic surgeon working at Art Clinic.
The information about breast lift surgery is meant to support you when deciding on undergoing a breast lift. However, it should merely be seen as a complement and cannot replace a professional medical consultation.
Here you will find all you need to know about breast lifts:
- If you are a suitable breast uplift patient and what methods are used
- The breast lift procedure and post surgery period
- The risks associated with a breast lift and cost information
- Before and after photos of breast lift surgery as well as a discussion forum about the procedure
- Directory of those clinics that perform breast lifts and the possibility to ask an expert
This is how a breast lift can change your appearance
The breasts shape and appearance changes all the time. Factors such as breast feeding, weight loss, worsened elasticity of the skin, pregnancy etc. contribute to the breasts losing their original firmness and shape.
With a breast lift, or mastopexy as it is also known, the breasts can become both firmer and uplifted which results in a more youthful appearance of the bust.
In connection with a breast lift the size of the areola if often minimised. Furthermore the areola and nipple is moved upwards which also contributes to a more aesthetically pleasing breast with renewed youthfulness.
Are you are suitable candidate for breast lift surgery?
Women with breasts of a satisfactory size but with much sagging, slackness or with downward pointing areolas/nipples can expect good results of a breast lift.
Also very large breasts with an immense overhang can be lifted. However, the results tend to be less lasting than breast lifts of normal or smaller breasts. Therefore patients with very large breasts are generally recommended undergoing a breast reduction ».
A breast lift can be performed on all ages, except during the teens since the breast development is still underway. Generally a breast lift if performed after pregnancy and breast feeding since these processes can have extensive and hard to predict effects on the breasts size, form and firmness. Although there are generally no hindrances to undergo a breast lift before pregnancy.
The milk canal and nipple function is normally not affected which makes it entirely possible to breast feed after a breast lift. The patient should however consult with their surgeon about this before the procedure.
NEXT: The various breast lift methods »