All about brow lift (forehead lift)
A Brow lift or forehead lift as it is also known is a procedure which aims to reduce heaviness, sagginess and excess skin on the forehead and eyebrows.
The information on these pages provide those of you considering a brow lift/forehead lift knowledge of what you can expect from the procedure. The content is examined by Dr. Pelle Sahlin, a specialist plastic surgeon at Art Clinic.
This informationis meant to help support your decision but should not and cannot replace a medical consultation.
Here you can find all you need to know about brow lift/forehead lift:
- A description of the brow lift/forehead lift procedure and who is a suitable candidate
- Information about the time after a brow lift/ upper face lift and risks
- Cost estimation and forum for brow lift/upper face lift discussions
- Gallery with before and after pictures of patients that have undergone a brow lift
- The possibility of asking an expert about brow lifts and a clinic directory
How a brow lift/forehead lift can alter your appearance
Time leaves its traces on our faces. With age the tissue in the forehead becomes slackened and the eyebrows sink. As a counter action one raises the eyebrows using the forehead muscles and by doing so wrinkles are created.
Over the years the eyes also become more sensitive to strong light, something that causes you to unintentionally squint. The muscles slightly above and between the eyebrows develop and the “frown lines” become more prominent.
Combined this makes us look older and more tired but can also leave us with a serious, troubled or sleepy look. A brow lift/forehead lift effectively treats this condition leading to a more youthful and rested look.
During a brow lift (upper face lift) the faces underlying musculature and tissue is treated so that sagging eyebrows are lifted and wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyes are smoothed out.
Many patients rapport that the brow lift has rejuvenated their appearance, sometimes as greatly as with a facelift. The patient also perceives a “lighter” less troubled look and their surroundings perceive them as more rested and extrovert.
Are you a suitable candidate for a brow lift/forehead lift?
Brow lifts are generally performed on patients in their 40’s-60’s with the aim of reducing visible signs of ageing. However, it can also be performed on patients of any age that have developed sagging eyebrows or prominent wrinkles to the forehead and between the eyes. Patients with hereditary conditions such as low positioned/heavy eyebrows can also expect good results from the procedure.
Within plastic surgery the face is often divided into the parts. A brow lift treats the faces upper third and aims to treat sagging eyebrows, frown lines and smoothen the forehead.
A face lift on the other hand treats the faces middle and lower third of the face (chin, neck and face up to the eyes). Therefore the brow lift is often performed in conjunction with a facelift, known as a ”full-face” procedure, aiming to achieve a smoother/younger look across the entire face.
Since general slackness and excess skin in the faces upper third often involves the eyelids the procedure is normally done in combination with eyelid surgery ». In some cases the patients that are looking for upper eyelid surgery are instead better treated with a brow lift.
Treatment of patients with baldness, receding hairlines or those that have previously undergone upper eyelid surgery can sometimes require the surgeon to change the brow lift method somewhat in order to meet this conditions in the best way.