Hair transplant before and after pictures

Welcome to the image gallery for hair transplantation. Here you can view actual patient before and after hair transplants performed with FUE and STRIP method and partake basic information about each operation.

Images of before and after hairtransplantations (FUE & STRIP)

By browsing through the slideshow below you can see pictures/photos of patients that have undergone a hair transplant with a so called FUE or STRIP method. Although, it is important to remember that each hair transplantation is unique just like each patients hair loss and the basis for each hair transplant also differs. The decisive factors for the results of hair transplants are how much hair is available at the back of the neck for transplantation to the crown and what quality this hair has as well as the patients aim with the hair transplant. Note therefore that the pictures/images only indicate what can be made possible with a hair transplant.

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